
Leslie Jones’ Twitter troll, Milo Yiannopoulos’ account shutdown

Twitter Inc promised to strengthen its rules and procedures to curb targeted abuse against users, beginning with a ban against Mr Milo Yiannopoulos, technology editor for conservative news website Breitbart.


“This type of abusive behavior is not permitted on Twitter, and we’ve taken action on numerous accounts reported to us by both Leslie and others”. It’s pretty clear that something needs to change. “All this ’cause I did a movie”.

However, many people have criticized Twitter for not doing enough to protect victims and punish perpetrators of this kind of behavior. It was particularly notable because CEO Jack Dorsey himself intervened, at one point asking Jones with a tweet to contact him privately to discuss her concerns. In his tweets, which are no long accessible on Twitter because his account has been shut down, he called her work “terrible” and said that she was “barely literate”.

Thankfully, the #BanNero tag began circulating soon after and increased pressure was put on Twitter to ensure Yiannopoulos could no longer gleefully fuel his army of egg avatars to attack Jones and other people with vile racist, sexist bullshit.

“Twitter I understand you got free speech I get it”.

“With the cowardly suspension of my account, Twitter has confirmed itself as a safe space for Muslim terrorists and Black Lives Matter extremists, but a no-go zone for conservatives”, Yiannopoulos told Breitbart.

While most journalists would shudder at the thought of being banned from Twitter, Yiannopoulos seemed unfazed by it while at a gay and lesbian support for Donald Trump party at the Republican National Convention. Some cases involving “trolling” on Twitter include an influential user encouraging followers to bombard a specific account with tweets, although Twitter does not confirm that’s the case with Yiannopoulos.

On Monday, the actress publicized some of the racist and misogynistic abuse she had received on the platform, which included being compared to an ape. You can hate the movie but the [s–] I got today. Mr Yiannopoulos’ supporters are saying that Twitter’s actions show an anti-conservative bias and are unearthing controversial tweets that did not get blocked. “We agree”, reads Twitter’s statement. Its spokesman said the company plans to say more about how it will do this in the coming weeks.


Twitter said it is investing in improving its tools and enforcement systems, and is in the process of reviewing its hateful-conduct policies “to prohibit additional types of abusive behavior and allow more types of reporting, with the goal of reducing the burden on the person being targeted”, according to a statement.

Milo Yiannopoulos left is seen in a still image from his You Tube channel. Actress Leslie Jones is seen at the Los Angeles premiere of Ghostbusters