
Leto doubts Hollywood is ready for gay leading man

There was great potential with Leto, but his performance – think Jack Nicholson meets Heath Ledger – is so uninspiring that more of him would have just prolonged the pain.


The film doesn’t suggest “Suicide” for DC’s efforts to make comic book movies. They’re rogues, and if Guardians of the Galaxy can get released in China (where it made nearly $100 million), then Suicide Squad should be allowed. How would humanity fight back? Put it this way, I’ve seen far, far worse films. Assemble a team of the world’s most risky, incarcerated Super Villains, provide them with the most powerful arsenal at the government’s disposal, and send them off on a mission to defeat an enigmatic, insuperable entity.

Thus the nickname – Suicide Squad.

Since his first film role in 1992, Smith has been in 25 films, nine of which were summer movies in which he was the star. In recent years, we have become accustomed to cheering on the bad guys and the anti heroes.

But while he can see himself giving up acting, the 44-year-old star can’t ever picture a day without his band Thirty Seconds To Mars.

Ayer’s set up of the big battle is convoluted and forced. But the feminists who complain that she is a sexualized character seem to want to take away that choice-making ability. Robbie plays Harley with the special kind of insane that you just can’t quit. The “Suicide Squad” itself, does well to do justice to their comic book counterparts. She is a run-for-your life scary character, who manages to be adorable.

This group is rude, crude and socially unacceptable, and that’s not a bad thing after so many scrubbed-clean, “Captain America”-type Boy Scout movies”. The problem with this is that while it may delight many fans, it’s unfortunately not that great of an overall movie.

The script for the film – also by David Ayer – gets some things right and some other things completely wrong. And with their last two projects turning out to be underwhelming, you really have to hope they get their act together for their upcoming films which they proudly showed off at Comic Con 2016. We were playing arenas around the world and headlining some of the biggest festivals in the world.

What do you think of the news regarding Jared Leto‘s scenes being cut?

“Suicide Squad” is rated PG-13 for sequences of violence and action throughout, disturbing behavior, suggestive content and language.

What’s Wrong with the Movie?

David Ayer’s Suicide Squad is hitting theaters around the globe this weekend, but the world’s most populous nation – and no. 2 movie market – probably won’t be joining the party anytime soon. As the Clown Prince of Crime, who is intent on rescuing his girlfriend Harley Quinn from Col. Flag’s Task Force X, Jared Leto steals every frame of the film he appears in.

Sat somewhere in between being a fan and a critic, Kevin Smith has spoken out on the movie, and his words will be a breath of fresh air to those who are rooting for Suicide Squad to succeed. LEGO Leto Joker, LEGO Harley Quinn, LEGO Deadshot, LEGO El Diablo, LEGO everything, dude.

And yes, the Joker is here, but not as a member of the team; rather, he’s taking advantage of her prison “release” to attempt to free Harley and restart their creepy coupling.

In the end, it won’t be hard to see how differently fans treat Suicide Squad.


“Suicide Squad” is worth the price of admission, regardless of the faults that plague the movie at different points. Are you more Marvel or DC?

Jared Leto and Jimmy Fallon