
Lewandowski: Khans’ Son Would Be Alive if Trump Had Been President

Rye jumped in. “So where’s he from, Corey?”


Former Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski veered a bit into birther-ville Tuesday night during a heated CNN panel discussion on the presidential election. “Captain Khan would be alive today, as would 7,000 other US soldiers”.

Lewandowski made that point even as Trump continued to feud with Khan, who spoke out against Trump in his speech before the Democratic National Convention last week.

Lewandowski defended Trump, saying the candidate had the right to respond to an attack.

But while Lewandowski had his detractors following the encounter with Quinn, he did have some support. Just a month ago, Quinn told Lewandowski that he had to be quiet when debating an allegedly racist tweet sent by Trump that some felt was anti-Semitic. “I’m 50. I couldn’t stand in front of America and talk about her”.

Plowing ahead, he answered his own question before Rye could get in a full response.

“I do not have to relax”, Quinn shot back.

“I don’t think Vice and BuzzFeed are legitimate news organizations”, Zucker said, reportedly cracking a “mischievous” smile. “Relax”, he said again. “And I just simply said that those – have those ever been released?”

Lewandowski later said he wasn’t questioning whether Obama was from the U.S.

That’s when Quinn’s left hand appeared to brush Lewandowski and he called foul.

Sellers then pointed out how unprecedented it was for Trump to refuse to release his tax returns, and Lewandowksi attempted to change the subject to Hillary Clinton’s email server maintenance.

Quinn said that service members and their families frequently attack American leadership.

Her rising national profile has fueled some speculation – dismissed by her allies – that she could mount a challenge in 2017 against Mayor Bill de Blasio, a Democrat whose approval ratings have dwindled.


“With all due respect to whoever took the poll and the people who were in it”, she said, “it was the least of my concerns today”.

Corey Lewandowski freaks out when Christine Quinn touches him