
Lexington-Richland School District 5 to Offer Summer Feeding Program

This event is on Wednesday June 8th. “We like to make sure that summertime isn’t hungry time”. Free meals will be provided to all children without charge and are the same for all children.


Parents can find their nearest Summer Food Service Program by texting FOOD to 877-877, calling 2-1-1 San Diego, or checking the program’s website.

The program serves about 3 million meals statewide each summer and about 70,000 a day, Ritz said.

The Summer Feeding program has been going strong for a week with over 6, l00 meals served this summer. Rather, we go through a lot of effort to ensure the children are not only getting nutritional meals, but that the meals taste good.

Lunches are prepared every day for 100 people.

Funding comes from federal, state, city and local agencies. Headquartered at Baylor University, THI has 12 regional offices located in Amarillo, Austin, Dallas, El Paso, Fort Worth, Houston, Lubbock, McAllen, San Angelo, San Antonio, Tyler, and Waco.

While many Oxonians plan summer vacations, others are struggling to plan their next meal.

The program has been running ever since through private donations and 25-30 volunteers from around the community who help serve and prepare food.

After the GISD food program wraps up on June 27, the Our Daily Bread program from First United Methodist Church welcomes all community members, children and adults, to visit the church’s McCree Hall for a free hot lunch and take home sandwich supper.

All Faiths Food Bank achieved its goals for the 2016 Campaign Against Summer Hunger, which ran from April 1 to May 15. First Baptist Church of East Bernstadt’s site will operate Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 11 1 p.m. South Laurel High will have lunch Monday through Friday from 12 1 p.m.

The library will also be providing educational activities throughout the summer, including the reading program “On Your Mark…Get Set…”

Summer is in the air and school will soon be out for the year.

Loess Hills Elementary School at 1717 Casselman St. serving breakfast from 8-8:45 a.m. and lunch from 11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

“When the school year ends, so do the meals”, said Sandra Frank, All Faiths Food Bank CEO.

In 2015, working with community organizations, The Partnership helped facilitate 7,317 meals being served to children throughout Indiana County.


Youth ages 18 and younger can receive free breakfast and lunch.

Indy Parks provides free meals to children throughout summer