
Liam Cunningham says he nearly got beheaded while filming Game of Thrones

This Sunday, HBO will air the ninth episode of Season 6 of Game of Thrones. Particularly since it looks like it’s going to be devoted exclusively to the long-awaited battle between the armies of eponymous bastards Jon Snow and Ramsay Bolton.


“The Battle of the Bastards” proved to be the epic and bloody showdown “Game of Thrones” fans had anticipated.

Battle of the Bastards is directed by Miguel Sapochnik who helmed the stunning episode “Hardhome” in season five. While the focus is on the battle, there could be some good character moments with Ser Davos Seaworth. Sansa knew it. Unfortunately, so did we.

I’m just glad it was Sansa that got to do it, and that she got to say “You’re going to die tomorrow Lord Bolton, sleep well” the day before it happened. As seen in the trailer John is saying to Malisandre that if he loses and dies not to bring him back to life. That said, the big battle might not be all this Sunday has to offer, as a leaked report suggests a major meeting will be taking place, perhaps forming the next great ship to rival Tormund and Brienne. Based on numbers from the book, I’d guess that the Boltons have somewhere around 7,000 men, which would put them at more than double Jon’s numbers, BUT that difference in army size also makes the game more exciting for when/it Littlefinger arrives with aid. There’s also Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun.

The bulk of episode nine will be taken up by the battle for Winterfell, but according to the synopsis today’s other key storyline will see Danaerys face a pivotal choice.

Ahead of the battle, Jon tells Mellisandre to let him stay dead should be killed while fighting.

Ramsay has got the support of various Northern houses.


Harald Karstark (Paul Rattray) leading House Karstark at the side of Ramsay. What will turn the tide of battle? That’s why fans of the show have high hopes for episode 9, “Battle of the Bastards”. He allowed Rickon to run across the battlefield towards Sansa and Jon, while firing arrows at him the whole way. And he has threatened to flay alive Snow’s half-brother, dungeon dweller Rickon Stark (Art Parkinson), unless Snow returns his bride, Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner), who escaped from his evil clutches last season after a graphic rape.

Battle of the Bastards in New Game of Thrones