
Liberal candidate In Canning, former SAS officer, linked to investigation on

Captain Hastie has said he joined the Australian Defence Force after the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.


But in his job as officer in command, his SAS unit was probed for cutting off the hands of dead Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, it has been reported.

Speaking at the WA Liberal Party conference on Saturday, Mr Hastie accused Labor of using the by-election as an opportunity to damage Mr Abbott’s leadership.

Deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop, who’ll be campaigning with Mr Hastie this week, said the story about the Afghanistan incident was years old and she couldn’t believe it was suddenly front page news.

Neil James, executive director of the Australia Defence Association, said the hand-chopping did not constitute a war crime because the soldiers were doing it out of military necessity.

“No one I know, who was aware of either the circumstances or worldwide law, doesn’t think they won’t be exonerated”.

Mr James said that troops had previously received legal advice that this came within conduct that was acceptable, if necessary, to collect biometric information to assist Afghan prosecutions. “As this matter is under investigation, it would be inappropriate, and potentially prejudicial to the investigation, to comment further at this time”.

“He has fought for our country in the field and he will fight for our country in the Parliament”, he said. “Thank you Andrew for making yourself available for this important form of national service”, Mr Abbott said.

PUP preferences could hold the key to the seat, with the party winning 6.9 per cent of the primary vote in Canning at the 2013 federal election and 12.3 per cent of the vote in the WA Senate election re-run in April 2014.

“As issues have evolved, they haven’t handled them well and that has confirmed a few doubts about the standing of the government”, Dr Hewson said.

PRIME Minister Tony Abbott is continuing his West Australian visit after addressing the Liberal state conference in Perth, where he praised Canning candidate Andrew Hastie.

Hastie said he wasn’t at the scene when it happened and when he found out about the incident, he did what was required – promptly reporting it up the chain of command. “He was not there”, Ms Bishop told the ABC on Sunday. But he’s an outstanding Australian who has committed so much of his life to serving his country. “I believe with Andrew Hastie and with the kind of policies that we have on promoting jobs and growing the economy, that the people of Canning will make a decision that’s in their interests and I believe that will be to elect Andrew Hastie as their representative”.

On Saturday, Bill Shorten refused to enter into the debate about the Hastie’s record, saying he respected the work of the Australian defence force.


Liberal MPs have backed Tony Abbott’s calls for the party to show more discipline and unity.

Andrew Hastie was a former SAS soldier who's unit was investigated for breaking the'rules of war when they allegedly cut the hands off dead Taliban soldiers for identification purposes