
Liberia confirms 2 new Ebola cases

As a result, aid groups in the affected countries were left to respond to a crisis for which they were not well prepared.


Oxfam based its conclusions on reviews of pledges for recovery efforts after crises in Lebanon, Haiti, and Gaza. “Donors need to ensure their money gets to these people quickly, and that communities know how much is available and how it will be spent”, he said.

Nabarro said he had personally been to Cuba to convey his thanks for the Caribbean country’s support.

The three countries will be seeking $3.2 billion to “cover the most essential needs” for their health and education systems and the economy, said Sunil Saigal, an Ebola coordinator for the UN Development Programme (UNDP). He told VOA in an interview that the worldwide community must remain focused on getting Ebola cases to zero, because only then will it be beaten. The authors are Ranu Dhillon, MD, senior technical adviser in the division of Global Health Equity at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, and Robert Yates, MBA, a health economist at the Royal Institute for worldwide Affairs in London. He first became ill June 21 and went to a local health facility where he was treated for malaria and discharged, WHO has said.

And they’ve recommended a fundamental change.

THE PRONOUNCED vigilance and preparedness of the Ministry of Health and the Ebola Incident Management System has not been able to trace the source of the virus.

The World Bank warned on Wednesday that the loss of health care workers amid the Ebola epidemic in western Africa could increase women’s deaths from complications of pregnancy and childbirth.

Dr. Nabarro said Secretary-General Ban, who convened the conference, will stand alongside the leaders of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone as well as of the African Union and the Mano River Union, the West African regional organization, and “call for continued solidarity as the affected countries and their people put in place their recovery strategies”.

The World Health Organization declares a country Ebola-free 42 days after the last case – or twice the broadly accepted maximum incubation period.

Equally extraordinary is the scale and duration of the response by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and partners. “Within a week of the initial report of Ebola, CDC had an expert team on the ground in Guinea”, the report states.

“The global response to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa is unprecedented, and hard work by thousands has helped contain the virus in most of the region”, CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden said.


Liberian health authorities confirmed two more people have been infected with Ebola, bringing to five the number of cases in a new bout since the country was declared free of the virus two months ago. Both saw cases early in the outbreak. West Africa: How to Fix the WHO's Response to Ebola-Like Crises