
Libertarian candidates pitch themselves as antidote to partisanship

Virginia Congressman Scott Rigell announced that he will vote for Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson in November.


Libertarian vice presidential nominee William Weld is planning to file petitions in MA to guarantee that he and Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson have their names on the ballot in Weld’s home state.

Judge Rosemary Collyer of the U.S. District Court for Washington, D.C. let the case sit for months before ruling this week that Johnson and Stein have no legitimate antitrust of 1 Amendment challenges to the CPD’s process of deciding who gets to attend presidential debates this fall.

While Johnson was a former GOP governor, he governed nearly like a libertarian, taking a small-government approach to every issue. They did something similar in 2012 and successfully got the state to list their names for that presidential election.

Kinzinger has stated categorically that he would not vote for Clinton, but has left the door open to voting for Johnson or some other third party candidate. In an average of polls collected by RealClearPolitics, he enjoys 8 percent support, a function of voter frustration with the major party candidates, but far short of what he needs for entry, even as the CPD suggests that it will round up if a third-party candidate closes on the magic number. Now, the Republican candidate is down to just his most avid supporters. Johnson has described Trump as “crazy”, “racist”, and “a wimp”.

“I do believe that most people in this country are Libertarian, it’s just that they don’t know it”, Johnson said.

Libertarians agree with Democrats on some issues and with Republicans on other issues. Overall viewership was up 74 percent and viewership in the 25-54 demographic increased by 101 percent-more than doubling the “in demographic” audience for the first town hall with Johnson and Weld, CNN reported Thursday. Weld has said that Trump should look into “another occupation-really anything other than President of the United States”.

The two former GOP governors, who won re-election in bluish states, have a bounce in their step on the campaign trail. But the Libertarian Party, as Broussard noted by referring to its low-taxes, limited-regulation economic platform and permissive stands on everything from recreational drugs to gay marriage, can appeal to both conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats.

But Johnson says he believes he has a chance of winning because of the “extraordinary” things that have happened in this year’s campaign season.

The first general election debate is scheduled for Monday, September 26th at New York’s Hofstra University. Indeed, I would say the Libertarian Party is not as libertarian as I would like to see. I disagree with Gary Johnson on about 12 percent of his positions, according to The Pew Research Center says 4 in 10 voters find it hard to choose; they think neither would make a good president.

One of the more disappointed libertarians was Brian Doherty of Reason.


Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton waits to speaks in Las Vegas, Nev. Johnson ran a pot farm ten years ago, and admits to consuming cannabis edibles recently; which fact has been a small problem for him with certain segments of the voting population. They can vote against both Secretary Clinton and Mr. Trump.

Govs William Weld Gary Johnson