
Libertarian Party picks ex-New Mexico Gov. Johnson for president

Unlike the primary and caucus system used by the Republican and Democratic parties, Libertarian presidential candidates have spent much of the past week debating and wooing delegates, who were free to vote for whomever they choose at the party’s national convention. He said Weld will help in this effort, having raised about $250 million during his political career compared to Johnson’s $8 million.


On Saturday, during a question-and-answer session with party officials, Weld came off less like an insurgent politician and more like an aloof Bay State patrician. He received loud boos at his introduction to the party’s vice presidential debate, where he stuck to reciting his conservative bona fides and applauded his opponents on stage.

The poll found Johnson at 11%, with Trump garnering 34% and Clinton 42%, with the two-term Governor appearing to draw support from both the Republican and the Democrat.

“I think every day I become better a Libertarian”, he said Sunday.

Like Johnson, it took Weld two ballots to secure the nomination. Many have been skeptical over Weld’s libertarian credentials, especially his record on gun control and support for Republican politicians. “In that context, the LBGT [sic] community should embrace what it is that we’re saying”. “We will be the North Korea”.

Johnson, former governor of New Mexico, is already doing well in national polls, even before he got the nomination. Other candidates for the office include an online radio host and a libertarian activist who, on his website,, says he hasn’t had a steady job since he was “scooping ice cream at Coldstones at 17”.

Petersen rolled through the convention, glad-handing delegates and circling back to his open-door suite, filled with meatballs and alcohol for supporters.

Compounding the issue was Weld’s rocky introduction to the party. He is also 35 years old. Only John McAfee acknowledged man-made climate change.

Petersen said he would “pull it for Gary” if the former New Mexico governor won the nomination.

Although only the most outspoken party loyalists said they are confident about their chances of winning the presidency, many said they think that Libertarians are poised to win a record number of votes.

His vice-presidential running mate will be chosen in a later vote. “If Donald Trump wins the election, we should revolt”, he added.

North Kingstown’s Tony Jones has been named the State Director for Gary Johnson’s presidential campaign.

On Sunday, the Libertarian party in the United States nominated Gary Johnson as the Presidential candidate for the upcoming elections to be held in the fall of 2016.


Johnson is now polling at 10% across the country. There’s already been some contention over who will be the vice president.

Fmr. New Mexico governor Gary Johnson debates fellow Libertarian Party 2016 Presidential candidates