
Liberty University president urges students to carry guns to ‘end those Muslims’

That’s why he encouraged those in the crowd “to get your permit”, noting that Liberty – which has more than 14,500 students on its Lynchburg, Virginia, campus, plus over 95,000 enrolled online – offers a free course to help make that happen.


Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. urged more students to carry guns on Friday, arguing that if the victims of Wednesday’s attack in San Bernardino, California were armed, they would have been able to protect themselves from the attackers.

Following the San Bernardino shootings, which left 14 dead, Falwell said he began carrying a.25-caliber handgun in his back pocket.

“It just blows my mind that the president of the United States (says) that the answer to circumstances like that is more gun control”, he said to applause.

Carson suggested stepping up support to Jordan to care for refugees or resettling them in friendlier regions.

“Let’s teach them a lesson if they ever show up here”, President Jerry Falwell Jr told students at the weekly convocation held on Friday.

Falwell received numerous tweets of support for his words from students. Falwell responded to critics, stating that he was referring to Islamic extremists who carried out the recent attacks, and not all Muslims. “I don’t know”, he joked, to laughter and loud applause. “They don’t hear anybody saying what they believe so when someone finally says something like I did yesterday, they were just hungry to hear it”.

Falwell told the newspaper, “There are many good Muslims, many good moderate Muslims”.

Falwell used the opportunity to promote the university’s concealed carry permit course, encouraging students to apply for gun permits. In November 2013, a 19-year-old Liberty student was shot and killed at an off-campus women’s dormitory when the student attacked a campus police officer with a hammer.


Unlike his late father, the Rev Jerry Falwell, the younger Falwell has been a low-key leader at Liberty. The university is a popular pilgrimage site for presidential candidates. The Christian collage is closely aligned with conservative politics, but is at odds with major religious groups, who overwhelmingly favor stricter gun safety measures.

President of Liberty University Jerry Falwell Jr has told his students to carry weapons on campus