
Libya’s stockpile of toxic chemicals removed

Libyan authorities destroyed chemical weapons and toxins under global supervision in 2014 but there were an estimated 850 tons of industrial chemicals left behind, raising fears that the Islamic State and other militias could use them in their attacks if they get possession of the chemicals.


“This OPCW-coordinated global effort has achieved a major milestone in guaranteeing that these chemicals will not fall into the wrong hands”.

The UK Royal Navy’s Bay-class auxiliary landing ship dock, RFA Mounts Bay, has assisted a Danish-led maritime operation to remove the last chemical resources stored in Libya.

Two Danish ships are now carrying the chemical weapons to Germany, where they are due to be destroyed as part of a Danish-led mission.

Chemical weapons-related materials developed during Moammar Gadhafi’s decades-long rule were removed from Libya as part of an worldwide maritime operation, United States officials said Thursday.

Kristian Jensen, Denmark’s foreign minister, said: “We have now removed the chemical remnants from Libya and have ensured that they will not fall into the wrong hands”. This contribution underlines our support to the Libyan Government of National Accord, ” Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said in a statement.

Libya had developed a formidable domestic chemical weapons programme under Col Gaddafi.

The UN-backed unity government, however, has remained beset by difficulties and has yet to apply its governing mandate across the troubled North African country. In July this year during his first visit to the UN since taking up the role the Foreign Secretary voted personally to adopt a United Kingdom drafted UN Security Council Resolution supporting the Libyan Government’s operation.


“The UK, in close cooperation with our global partners, is taking practical and effective action to eliminate chemical weapon risks in Libya, ” he said. The UK worked closely with a range of global partners in dealing with these chemicals from Libya, including the US and Germany as well as the OPCW.

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