
Life is Strange Dev Offers New Details on Gothic RPG Vampyr

In the several months since we last heard about Vampyr, Dontnod Entertainment has finished up their coming-of-age sci-fi drama Life Is Strange where it was met with positive reviews. Announced back in June, Vampyr will follow Jonathan E. Reid, a World War I military surgeon, as he returns to London in 1918 to find it ravaged by the Spanish Flu. The streets were rife with death and crime, but England was also going through many social and political changes, as new sciences sought to re-envision the way we see the world.


One of the most interesting things is that everyone you meet in Vampyr could be a target, if you want.

Vampyr is set in a dark and sinister version of London. The main character is a surgeon called Reid, so there are “make shift weapons” like a saw, as well as vampiric powers and ranged weapons to use against human and “mythical” enemies.

We don’t really know much about the game beyond its setting though; “set in early 20th century Britain as the country is gripped by the lethal Spanish flu and the streets of London are crippled by disease, violence and fear”. The game will see you sneaking through the cobbled streets of the English capital, communicating with others, vanquishing pond life, and, well, stalking your prey.

Killing innocent people is unfortunately the price of immortality.

“Without a doubt, players will have to kill to survive, no matter what… but it depends on how the players observe things that they see, and relationships they see among people and nurture during the gameplay”, said Dontnod Entertainment in a statement to PlayStation Blog.

There’s also one key detail about Vampyr that’s especially important: the vampires here don’t sparkle. The implication being that you can decide who deserves to die if you fancy placating your conscience, but you will have to kill to stay alive no matter what. “They’ll have an effect on the story, often immediately, and in the long-run”. How, where and most importantly who you feed on will play a vital role in determining the story.


Vampyr has been tentatively slated for a release on PlayStation 4 in 2017.

Next from the Life Is Strange lot: a vampire in 1918's London Flu epidemic