
Lift Crude Oil Export Ban Expected To Expire While Renewable Credits Continue

Although few expect to see significant exports in the short-term, lifting the ban could help reverse that price trend-and keep some struggling companies in business.


In exchange for lifting the export ban, Republicans agreed to extend tax credits for renewable energy, like wind and solar, and to remove riders from the bill related to various environmental regulations.

An agreement in Congress this week to lift the United States’ 40-year ban on exporting oil will not threaten US national security, and its benefits could range from jobs created to build and support export infrastructure, to exploration and drilling jobs in places such as Colorado. That decline lasted for nearly 40 years and the USA increasingly relied on oil imports.

An overhaul to Total’s Port Arthur refinery finished in 2011 was also tailored to the heavy, sour crude oil varieties.

Getting enough Democrats on board with lifting the ban required balancing it with some renewable energy tax credits and the potential for conservation programs, said Heitkamp, who called lifting the ban a “huge win” for North Dakota.

While the lifting of the USA crude export ban is a major political victory for the oil and gas industry, it is not expected to have much of an immediate impact.

Crude slid to the lowest level in more than six years in NY as a rising number of oil rigs in the USA signalled the supply glut will be prolonged. Natural gas was not covered in the 1975 oil export ban. Lifting the ban has been a top priority of domestic oil producers looking for more markets to sell big supplies of crude.

The bill, posted early on Wednesday morning, allows the USA president to stop oil exports for one year if he or she declares a national emergency, or an administration declares that the exports are causing a domestic oil shortage or raising US oil prices.

“We are not going to be in a position to move export markets considerably, or to compete with the exports of Saudi Arabia or Russian Federation, for example”, she said. “But I think over time, definitely; If the market signals were there, we would have that option”. That is more than nine times as much as in 2008 but still just 3.8% of the USA oil produced every day.

The non-governmental organisation also contended that the ban’s repeal would “increase the frequency of exploding trains and oil spills across the country and in worldwide waters”.

Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), who has long opposed crude oil exports, took to the Senate floor on Wednesday to slam the provision’s inclusion in the spending package.

Extensive networks of oil pipelines and storage tanks already stretch along the Gulf Coast from Corpus Christi, Texas, to St. James Parish, La. The documents indicate that the Bureau was reviewing reports prepared by the oil industry, and redacted emails suggest meetings with oil industry officials. So initially there would be some constrained capacity that caps energy companies’ ability to ship crude out to foreign buyers.


While the use of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking”, remains controversial due to environmental concerns, American oil and gas production has skyrocketed.

Oil-storage tanks could reach their capacity pushing prices down to levels necessary to force an immediate halt to some production Goldman Sachs said in a report Thursday