
Lindsey Graham: All Questions Result in Hillary

Despite missing the cut to appear at Fox News Channel’s primetime debate, the seven candidates participating in the network’s first event of the night were still able to fire off some memorable lines.


Graham has languished near the bottom of national polls since announcing his candidacy June 1.

– In response to a question about whether Donald Trump is overshadowing her. Rick Santorum came close with “secretive and untrustworthy”. “If you’re running for president of the United States and you don’t understand that we need more American ground forces in Iraq, and that America has to be part of a regional ground force that will go into Syria and destroy ISIL (the Islamic State) in Syria, then you’re not ready to be commander in chief, and you’re not serious about destroying ISIL”. “As for the Happy Hour Debate, Senator Graham looks forward to engaging in a substantive debate with the other candidates on stage”.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) addresses the Baltimore county Republican Party’s annual Lincoln/Reagan Dinner on June 9, 2015 in Baltimore, Maryland.

Graham’s soundbyte might sound promising to environmentalists-if you ignore his dig at cap-and-trade-until he gets to his main point.

Graham also voiced his support for placing mosques under surveillance, even though similar tactics by New York City police had to be abandoned following a lengthy court battle.

Watch Graham’s remarks, as posted online on Thursday, below. However, six of the seven candidates were unable to answer it correctly.

“Republican candidates for president may have lost the old school sideburns, but they’re still rocking their out-of-date and out-of-touch policies about women’s health, trickle-down economics, marriage equality, climate change, and more”, the accompanying email statement said, adding that we need the “good sense to move on”.

I didn’t get a phone call from Bill Clinton before I jumped in the race.


“As to the Clintons, I’ve been dealing with this crowd for 20 years”, Graham said at the forum.

Poor polling numbers keep Lindsey Graham out of prime-time debate