
Lindsey Graham Defends Vote Against Sandy Aid: “It Was A Pork-Fest”

McCain, of Arizona, the victor of the 2000 and 2008 New Hampshire presidential primaries, will join the South Carolina senator for 10 stops over three days, beginning Friday. Torrential pours down required a very large number tenants to escape their own properties in the state’s flabbing sections, while at least 14 many people have abandoned their personal existence having been a result of intense sea. The troubling thing about Sen. But as Wolf Blitzer pointed out to him yesterday, he opposed federal aid amid Hurricane Sandy. It doesn’t seem to be the case.


But Graham, a long shot candidate for the presidency, doesn’t seem to remember that he voted against similar measures for states requesting federal aid after Hurricane Sandy.

South Carolina’s senior senator, Lindsey Graham, and U.S. Reps.

Sandy slammed into the Northeast in October 2012 causing widespread loss of property in the region, particularly to New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. “I don’t remember me voting that way. Anyway, I don’t really recall that, but I’d be glad to look and tell you why I did vote no, if I did”.

Many Republicans opposed the $51 billion Sandy relief package in 2013 because they said it included too much spending on unrelated programs. Hell, in the same CNN interview quoted above, Graham even called himself a “pretty kind-hearted fellow” and tried to erase his vote against relief from memory. In light of his refusal to help hurricane victims in New Jersey and surrounding states just two years ago, we’re not sure what that means.


A Wednesday evening town hall at the Brookline fire station was cancelled because Graham remained in South Carolina to address the flooding in that state. Oh, and in case you haven’t been keeping up: Graham wants to be next in line for Obama’s job.

Lindsey Graham Defends Vote Against Sandy Aid: 'It Was A Pork-Fest'