
Lindsey Graham ‘joining’ GOP debate by answering questions online

Sen. Lindsey Graham, blocked from both GOP presidential debates tonight because of low poll numbers, will instead answer questions on social media from the campaign trail in New Hampshire.


The SC senator also cautioned candidates on making promises “that can never become reality”.

Security is Strength PAC argues in the 30-second spot that it is galling for the network to snub Graham, the only military veteran in the GOP field, on the eve of Veterans Day. Most of the rest of the field will be in Wisconsin for the Fox Business/Wall Street Journal event. Ted Cruz, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Kentucky Sen.

Graham and George Pataki did not qualify for either.

“While national polling is flawed relative to Iowa, New Hampshire and SC to begin with, the criterion used was unfair and skewed to the frontrunners”, said Andrew King, executive director of Security is Strength PAC.

Last week, businessman Donald Trump spent $300,000 on his first radio ads in the early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire and SC.

Lower polling candidates will meet in an hour-long debate at 7 p.m. on FBN, while the top nine in recent national polls are to debate for two hours beginning at 9 p.m.

Graham’s campaign said that the ads would start airing today, in a “significant buy”. John McCain of Arizona, showed up on Sidewire to offer support for Graham. In the ads, McCain highlights Graham’s 30 years of military experience, saying he is the only candidate who has the expertise to combat ISIS.

McCain also points to the state’s role in the presidential nominating process. Sidewire co-founder Tucker Bounds was a spokesman for McCain’s 2008 campaign.


“Sen. Graham is the flawless person to kick it off because he’s quick-witted and a skilled debater”, Bounds said Tuesday.

Matt Baron  REX Shutterstock