
‘Lion is about to be unleashed,’ Trump’s Iowa state director says

The Indiana governor, long a favorite of conservatives, was making his first appearance as since Trump named him to the ticket. Comparatively, the Republican Governors Association provided almost $1.5 million to Pence’s now-disbanded campaign. “He beat me like a drum”. Between 2000 and 2008, the increase averaged about 2.7 percent a year – although the total dollars were much lower because local taxes covered a greater portion of school budgets at the time, DeBoer said. Scott Brown says he was honored to be listed among the potential VP candidates for presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump and that he would consider a position in a prospective Trump


Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s name wasn’t formally placed in nomination, even though he was closest to Trump in the primaries.

“I haven’t agreed with every one of my Republican colleagues or Democratic colleagues on every issue”.

“More people [in Indiana] are working today than ever before”, he said.

In fact, improving Indiana’s roads wasn’t a priority of Pence’s until it became a liability: a monthlong traffic snarl caused when an Interstate 65 bridge was closed last August for emergency repairs. But Hillary Clinton’s campaign has already declared Pence the “most extreme” vice presidential candidate “in a generation”.

“He worked closely with these people”, Helmke said, pointing to Holcomb’s years as party chairman. “If you’re a lady Hoosier, you may recognize him as the governor who inspected your reproductive organs every 30 days to make sure you weren’t using them in ways that would make Jesus sad”. And, by most reports from those who spoke to the Star Beacon, Pence is at least widely known for his conservatism. A conservative economist in the audience emphatically protested to Sessions she has been a Republican “since birth”, but she can’t accept Trump’s protectionist trade policies. We are going to rebuild our depleted military and take care of our great veterans. How folksy is Mike Pence? Ben Carson and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

Trump appeared via video at the convention on Tuesday – and he said he would see everybody again on Wednesday. “News conference tomorrow at 11:00 A.M”.

Trump may not be able to get away with that level of modesty, but Pence brought enough for the two of them.

The audience, built largely of conservative thought leaders and activists, represented the natural constituency of Pence, who has been fighting alongside them in politics for three decades.


“He certainly didn’t get to be the victor of all the contests by being an inclusive candidate, but he has the opportunity to do that”, he said, calling for an end to the primary season in-fighting and for Trump to “get on with the idea that he is much more acceptable to the American people than the Democratic nominee”.

Gov. Mike Pence R-Ind. speaks during a campaign event to announce Pence as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's vice presidential running mate on Saturday