
Little girl has tea party with officer who saved her life

Shortly after the call came in, Ray was on the scene.


He was able to pry Bexley’s mouth open to perform a “finger sweep”. He quickly used his first aid training and cleared the girl’s airway, allowing her to breathe again, CBSDFW reported in 2015.

“It was the most lovely sound I’d ever heard in my entire life”, he said. A mom in Texas made a decision to celebrate the anniversary of the day a local police officer saved her daughter’s life by hiring a professional photographer to capture their tea party reunion. “She’s a sweetheart. She’s my best friend”.

“I heard [Ray’s] siren and ran out the front door”, Norvell said.

She also mentioned that when Bexley, who was being boosted up by a blanket so she could reach the table, offered the officer a blanket as well, he politely refused.

Rowlett Police Department Senior Patrol Officer Patrick Ray responded to a 9-1-1 call previous year regarding a little girl who was unresponsive after choking on a small object. “Officer P. Ray, ‘” Norvell said. Now, a year later, Ray and Bexley got together for a special tea party to honor their bond.

“I want people to have an image of the sweeter side”, she says.

“The night of the Dallas shooting, he asked if Officer P. Ray was okay”.

Speaking to the local CBS station later, the cop said his colleagues on the force were sure to rib him about the tea party, but he did not mind the jibes coming his way. “I wasn’t ready for that question from my 5-year-old”, the mother said.

Ray expects to be teased at the station. He now gets to watch his new little friend grow up and have a full life of her own.

Rowlett Corporal Patrick Ray and Bexley and Tammy Norvell sat down for an interview with CBSDFW, Ray stating, “We’re buddies”.

‘When I looked at her, I just saw these big, blue eyes looking at me.


‘I won’t ever forget this man and I told his wife, “You know, I’m going to think of your husband every single day for the rest of my life”, and I hope she’s okay with that, ‘ Tammy Norvell, Bexley’s mother, said after the girl’s brush with death last summer.

Chelle Cates