
Little League Coach Learns He’s Fired at LL World Series

The Sweetwater Valley All-Stars will soon be swinging for the fences in the Little League World Series.


Jaime Ramirez, a dugout coach for the team based out of Bonita, found out Monday that he was fired from his job at Altar Produce.

For the young athletes from San Diego, their excitement is palpable.

“Nothing can make up for missing out on the Little League World Series but we are appreciative that Little League is bringing us up there and recognizing us at the Great Lakes champs”, Coach Kevin Ricketts said.

“I’m excited to go”, baseball player Aidan Clemons said.

But Ramiez says he’ll worry about finding a new job once the series is over. “We can’t jinx but it’s all about fun”, said player Braiz Ramirez. She said she could not disclose whether Ramirez missed time at work leading up to the tournament.

Ramirez says he told Altar Produce that he would be taking some time off due to the team’s tournament and he says the company told him it was fine for him to use his vacation time to do so and that they would discuss his future duties with the company once he gets back in town. Ramirez, who is in Pennsylvania, apparently found out he was let go from the Calexico-based produce company through an email.

“We’re here because of them”.

These kids are awesome on the field, but they still need our help.

Ramirez says he does not blame his former employer, saying he understands why that decision had to be made.


Currently, the Sweetwater Valley All-Stars are in Pennsylvania preparing for their first game, but the parents are in San Diego in the process of booking air travel with last minute prices that are soaring.

Little League Coach Learns He's Fired at LL World Series