
Little to no change in state’s national test scores

The school district exceeded the NAEP’s target rate of 85 percent inclusion of minority students, low-income students, students with disabilities and English Language Learners. The results of the test, officially known as the National Assessment of Educational Progress or NAEP, were released Wednesday. The test is administered by the National Center for Education Statistics. During 2013’s test, only eight states were up to speed on Common Core, and federal officials say they all improved.


“NAEP serves as an external audit on student achievement”. The USA average scores dropped on each of the four exams – with the greatest declines in eighth grade reading and math. “Funding for schools and the economic well-being of families has a substantial impact on how well students do”, Kloosterman said. However, Mississippi was the only state to show significant improvement since 2013 in both reading and math scores among fourth graders.

Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy Dorn notes that few states did better than Washington students on the 2015 tests, with only three states scoring better than Washington’s fourth graders and five states scoring higher than the state’s eighth graders. “We must remain focused on efforts to improve achievement for all students so they graduate read for college and careers”. The Common Core standards were developed by the states with the support of the administration. On Monday, she and other Arizona State Board of Education members voted to symbolically severe the state’s ties with Common Core. Hispanic fourth graders also earned the nation’s highest average scale score in reading and the highest percentage at or above “proficient” in mathematics.

The state now ranks 25 in fourth grade math, which is the first time that the state has ranked in the top half of the nation in any category.

She said Wednesday the fourth-grade reading NAEP results emphasize the need for early intervention.

The results also allow comparisons to the national average. Maine’s NAEP Coordinator, Paula Hutton, says math scores generally fell across the nation, but it’s too soon to say why. “This is really hard work and big change rarely happens overnight”, he said.

None of the differences between Oregon’s 2013 and 2015 scores was statistically significant.

Douglas, however, was more skeptical.

“Student performance on those new content standards may not be where we would like for them to be”.

“I think the reason that we’ve had a rise in our test scores is because, of our, Choctaw county’s high expectations and requirements that we’ve had in place for several years now”, Ackerman Elementary school teacher Christi Turnipseed said. Just 34 percent of the state’s eighth-graders tested at “proficient” or above.


In eighth-grade math, New Hampshire scored 46 percent proficient or better, placing third after Massachusetts (51 percent) and Minnesota (48 percent). Those who performed at or above basic level was 72 percent.

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