
Liu says tribunal lacks authority and credibility

Meanwhile, Loke said Wisma Putra should explain the implications of the Permanent Court of Arbitration’s (PCA) ruling on the South China Sea dispute between Philippines and China.


Its president Tan Yew Sing commented that MCCC disagreed with the ruling, adding that they believed that “sovereignty claims should be put aside to pave way for joint development of the islands and territorial waters by all claimant countries”. “This would depend on our overall assessment”, he asserted.

An air defense identification zone over the sea would give the Chinese military authority over foreign aircraft.

Filipinos cheer moments after the Hague-based United Nations global arbitration tribunal ruled in favor of the Philippines in its case against China on the dispute in South China Sea on July 12, 2016 in Manila, Philippines.

“The South China Sea ruling, especially the categorisation of Taiping island, has severely jeopardised our country’s rights in the South China Sea islands and their relevant waters”, Tsai told soldiers on the deck of ship in footage broadcast by news channels.

After an arbitral tribunal issued on Tuesday a so-called award on the South China Sea arbitration, which was unilaterally initiated by the former government of the Philippines, Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop warned China there would be “strong reputational costs” for ignoring the ruling. Taiwan – another loser in the verdict because it has similar claims to China – deployed a warship to protect its interests.

Filipino activists used the #Chexit slogan while holding protest rallies in front of the Chinese Consulate in the Philippine national capital Manila in the days leading to the ruling.

China was “the first to have discovered, named, and explored and exploited” islands in the sea and their surrounding waters, the document said. “They’ve issued this ruling, and that’s why it’s the US’ view that this tribunal finding is binding and final”.

The Chinese Premier says the DOC has helped maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea over the past years.

New Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte wants to revive relations with China that soured after his predecessor launched the arbitration case in 2013.

It found some of the area claimed rightly belongs to the Philippines who sovereign rights were infringed upon by China use of artificial islands.

If Beijing is serious about its status as a great power, it should reach a negotiated settlement of its disputes in the South China Sea.


To further discuss the South China Sea arbitration results, CCTV America’s Elaine Reyes spoke with Brendan Mulvaney, senior non-resident fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China.
