
Live broadcast of DC fireworks used old footage

The show, in its 36th year, boasts it broadcasts Washington’s own fireworks display for millions of viewers across the country from the U.S. Capitol’s West Lawn, where thousands more gather to see the display in person.


Noticed something a bit off about PBS’ A Capitol Fourth broadcast Monday?

Earlier on Monday evening PBS tweeted that the combining the footage was the patriotic thing to do.

That admission brought a flurry of criticism from people who were unhappy with either an air of media deception, a preference of perfection over authenticity, or some combination of the above.

‘Not cool @pbs… Fake footage of fireworks on the Fourth???? PBS showing clear skies!! Journalistic “freedom” starts with small “corrections'”.

A “Capitol Fourth” spokeswoman confirmed to us that because the weather was so overcast, the producers pulled together a combination of clips “to make the best television show”.

Smokey Robinson and Kenny Loggins are among the artists set to take part in the 2016 edition of the annual PBS Independence Day special, A Capitol Fourth.

Later on, it apologized “for any confusion this may have caused”.

But another viewer had a different gripe – about the music. “Just not the same anymore”.


The network later admitted to splicing footage from a prior year’s display due to the poor weather conditions in the District on July 4.

Fireworks explode over Lincoln Memorial at the National Mall as seen from Arlington Va. during the Fourth of July celebration on Monday