
Liz and Red’s Manhunt

For a refresher on what happened last week, read my recap of episode 7.


Reddington and Elizabeth Keen have spent the first half of The Blacklist season 3 running and hiding from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which will come to an astonishing end in the fall finale. “This will all be over soon”. Red and Liz stop at a gas station and Liz goes to use the restroom. He is confused, and wants to know about the cabin – Char confesses that it is their neighbor’s cabin and she had an affair with him before Cooper got sick. Red’s henchman is waiting at a bookstore for something they call a “CARE package”. She finds him at a local bar and quickly turns the charm on – as well as a new name, “Kenya”, which is the least fitting moniker she could have possibly chosen – all of which leads back to Jasper’s apartment, where they plan to get freaky.

She calls Dembe to tell him that Red is gone and isn’t answering her calls.

Liz, on her part, will be stepping into the limelight in this week’s installment of the series. Ressler is acting unusual, he gave Aram his laptop and told him to find out what was searched for on it. It’s the laptop that Samar used to trace Red’s phone – he must have overheard.

Liz spots Red’s vehicle at junkyard and tracks down the two truck driver at a nearby bar. Meanwhile, Red wakes up at an undisclosed location – two redneck guys and a woman are standing over him, he is chained to the wall inside of a trailer. He sees that one of his kidnappers has a knuckle tattoo that stands for “Kings of the Highway”. His captors have figured out that he’s on the lam. One of them tells him he has explaining to do.

Solomon and the men working for him trace a signal to a tunnel. Red laughs, he can’t believe that he has been nabbed by “Kings Of The Highway”. She tells Dembe that they are going to use the care package that he just picked up to get Reddington back. Life gets even harder for fugitives Liz and Red when a huge bounty is placed on Liz’s head. Red is making a run for it, but the leader Cash catches him outside of the trailer and pulls a gun on him. Ressler and his team had been tracking Liz all day, and shortly after Red is set free, the cops arrive. In addition, Red will fall into a risky situation and he will be separated from Liz.

The gang fights over Red and Cash is killed by his fellow gang member, who then negotiates with Liz for Red’s release. Based on where she’s staying in the preview, it may also be fair to say that they have busted out the old Federal Bureau of Investigation cell previously given to Red for her to stay in.

Dembe meets up with Red.

Ressler chases Liz deep into the woods, finally tackling her. He threatens to shoot her if she keeps resisting and, though she insists he would never fire on her, he promises otherwise.

Karakurt, Tom, Cooper and Charlene go on the run after three assassins break into Cooper’s house, hoping to kill the Russian.


In the final moment of the episode, Ressler locates Liz and chases her. He pushes her to the ground and aims his gun at her. She says, “You wouldn’t”. “I’m going to miss you”. He tells her, “Elizabeth Keen, you’re under arrest”.

The Blacklist Recap 11/19/15 Season 3 Fall Finale'Kings of the Highway