
Liz Cheney run for Congress likely

What had been shaping up to be a sleepy political season in Wyoming now has Cheney seriously considering another campaign, this time for an open U.S. House seat.


Lummis announced during a press conference Thursday outside the State Capitol that she will not run in the 2016 election.

As reported earlier Wyoming’s lone Congresswoman Cynthia Lummis has announced that she will not be seeking reelection.

Lummis tells Wyoming Public Radio’s Bob Beck that she’s been thinking about this for several months. “Now it is time for a new face to take on this important task for Wyoming”.

Lummis, 61, represents Wyoming’s deep-red, at-large congressional district. She has been an essential part of our Washington team using her agriculture, business, legal, legislative and state treasurer background to make a big difference.

U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said of Lummis, “Wyoming will miss her energy and her fight”.

Her co-delegates in Congress were quick to thank her for her years of service, and Governor Mead issued a statement, saying “she has served us well because her heart and heritage are always here with us even when she is in D.C. Cynthia has given her all for Wyoming in many ways and for many years”. “I am honored, and truly privileged and humbled by the opportunity to serve these past seven years as Wyoming’s congressman”, Lummis said. She says that led to a situation where house Republicans constantly criticized proposals supported by President Obama without putting forward any kind of alternatives.

“The plan ultimately will have a barely discernible effect on global temperatures and sea levels, and it’s reckless for the government to go ahead with it”, Lummis said.


State Rep. Tim Stubson is the only candidate for the job so far.

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