
Local families eager to see Pope Francis

At least 200 hundred Catholics from the Denver will be traveling to Philadelphia next week to see Pope Francis during the World Meeting of Families, and before they leave a group from St. Thomas More Catholic Church got a special sendoff on Saturday night.


“I look forward to greeting the pilgrims and the people of Philadelphia when I come for the World Meeting of Families“, he said in English. “It’s commonly said that the Church needs to ‘get with the times, ‘ and I think that Pope Francis, through his words and deeds, has shown that the love of Christ and the Catholic Church is timeless”.

Students from St. Mark School will kick off a symbolic papal parade at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 22 to welcome Pope Francis to Philadelphia.

Several events are planned in addition to Sunday morning Mass. A second private Mass for religious figures, a visit to Independence Hall, and a trip to the nearby Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility are just a few of the other events on his agenda.

“I’m going in with the mindset that it’s a pilgrimage”, Longoria said of the journey to Philadelphia.

For Mitchell, the opportunity to see Pope Francis gives a chance to learn what no textbook can teach. “This is not a State of the Union speech where members act in very partisan ways as if it’s a high school pep rally at times”, said Sen.

When Pope John Paul II visited Manhattan in 1995, his security detail was “enhanced by the vehicles he traveled in, by limiting exposure to the public in terms of getting close to him and touching him”, New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton said in a recent interview with the New York radio station 1010 WINS.

Pope Francis mania is in full effect”, said John Gehring at the Faith in Public Life headquarters in Washington. For those who will be travelling to see the pope it’ll be a once in a lifetime experience.

At the global symposium on the pastoral care of street people, Pope Francis also mentioned that street women and children are not “packets” to be traded; they are human beings, each with his or her own name and face, each with God-given identity. She says he’s in the country without legal documentation. “(People) feel like they already know him”. She is from Philadelphia and she’ll be heading back there to see the pontiff.

“For a young girl to have that strength and fortitude is a great thing for the church”, said Angela McClellan, the church’s director of adult faith formation.

“I am ready to leave all of this behind and concentrate on there”, she said, adding that “We’re going there to hear, discover, share, witness and to be there for each other”.

The pope waded into the intense debate about inequality with a tweet sent in April 2014 that said simply, “Inequality is the root of social evil”. Gosar argued that “if the pope wants to devote his life to fighting climate change, then he can do so in his personal time”. Francis rolled down his window, touching those who reached into the auto , and he even kissed a baby passed to him through the window, according to news accounts.

In a statement, the Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, bishop of Scranton, said the diocese will be “well represented” in Philadelphia.

Pope Francis was instrumental in the dialogue that led to the restoration of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States earlier this year.


Just a day ago, the Vatican’s almsgiving office released basic information about two refugee families now being provided for by the two Vatican parishes.

AP press Pope Francis looses his hat as he was greeted by a strong wind when he arrived in Cuba earlier today