
Local long-time Democrat believes Sanders supporters will eventually come around

A former top aide to Sen.


The complaints about Clinton herself were not new: that she supported fracking, that she’s a warmonger, that she was sponsored by Wall Street, that she’s a liar and a cheater.

Part of the email sent from Sanders to supporters.

Clinton’s campaign didn’t hesitate to make the connection, with campaign manager Robby Mook saying cyber experts believed “Russian state actors were feeding the email to hackers for the objective of helping Donald Trump”.

Selina Vickers, 50, a Sanders delegate from West Virginia was having none of it. “This system has been rigged so everyone feels they have to vote for Clinton, and we’re just not going to fall for that”.

Thirteen-year-old Michael Ferguson from Arlington, Va., went to Staples to make his own “Hillary For Prison” sign.

“Hillary has not earned my vote”.

They did not. The boos and jeers and cries of “shame” continued until Wasserman Schultz exited.

The Massachusetts senator was talked about as a potential running mate for Clinton who would help shore up the left wing of the party that Sanders energized as has not fully galvanized behind Clinton.

The Democratic National Convention got off to a rocky start on Monday afternoon, starting from the very minute the convention was gaveled in by Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.

As the convention opened, audible boos could be heard as speakers brought up the Hillary Clinton-Tim Kaine ticket, even as Clinton supporters tried to muffle out the protest with cheers in support.

Now, Democrats are awaiting how he’ll address the uproar when he takes the podium on Monday evening.

Some had already left the party, disillusioned by its politics, the influence of money, and the U.S. electoral system.”The more I saw this election unfold, I realized that I was an independent”, said Alayna Josz, 28, a manicurist.

The scenes of booing in Philadelphia were a setback to Democratic officials’ attempts to present the gathering as a smoothly run show of party unity in contrast to the volatile campaign of Republican nominee Trump. When Sanders endorsed Clinton last month, Ludovise changed her voter registration to independent. While his supporters adore the independent senator from Vermont, he’s no longer their political Pied Piper. “They’re ideas supported by working people from one end of the country to the other”. “It’s about principle; it’s about justice; it’s about equality”. Diane Russell, a Sanders delegate from ME, said the party had to come together to beat Trump. “I still don’t know”.

Donald Trump got a post-convention gift Friday when WikiLeaks released a trove of hacked emails that showed Democratic National Committee leaders conniving against Bernie Sanders.

Yet the Sanders army had a terrific 48 hours. Saturday night, they got a pledge from the party to whittle down the number of superdelegates, or party officials unbound to their state’s results.

Clinton escaped one potentially ugly moment when outgoing party chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced she would not take the stage.

The Democratic convention will be held at several venues in the city of Philadelphia, but the keynote speeches of Mrs Clinton and her supporters will be held at the Wells Fargo Centre.

“These comments do not reflect the values of the DNC or our steadfast commitment to neutrality during the nominating process”, the statement read.


I intend to do everything I can to see that he is defeated. Sen. He said the protesters at the convention had a right to stay.

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