
Local residents react to Obama’s plans on gun laws

Although Barack Obama was clearly moved while speaking about gun violence, he repeatedly referred to statistics which he claimed served as evidence that such violence was preventable.


Trump said those tears were real. Gun violence survivors & their families, together with former Arizona Rep. Gabby Giffords & her spouse, Mark Kelly, occupied chairs within the audiences & on stage, putting personal ache & loss on show.

“We know where the guns are in this community, in my neighborhood, we know where they come from”, she said.

“Hillary Clinton is, I think, worse than Obama on the issue, frankly, she wants to take everyone’s gun away”, he said.

The executive order would override state gun laws and close gun sales loopholes. “These numbers are heartbreaking and they are tragic”. Trump added that Obama “probably means well” with his executive action on guns but that he’s misguided.

Among the newly announced provisions: Staffing up the FBI’s background checks: “The envisioned improvements include processing background checks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and improving notification of local authorities when certain prohibited persons unlawfully attempt to buy a gun”. Were gonna do more to help those suffering from mental illness.

As for smart gun technology that president touted, Rowe says there are better ways to protect kids from getting a hold of guns like teaching gun safety in schools.

Donald Trump said the fact that he disagrees with the US President on his gun control measures does not mean that his heart is in the wrong place.


“I appreciate [President Obama’s] efforts to do more to keep guns out of the hands of unsafe people while ensuring that Second Amendment rights are protected”, Durbin said.
