
Local shops cashing in on Pokemon Go

The ease of playing Pokemon Go has meant that it became the game of the decade for Nintendo and quickly jumped to the top slot on Google Play Store as well as Apple’s store.


A number of Pokestops have come into existence to provide items of the Pokemon Go for players.

Rare Pokemon are not easy to catch.

Primagames instructs that when the “Pokemon GO” player gets a Lucky Egg, the bonus period should be used to evolve as many Pidgey as possible. Meanwhile, some retail and online stores have already started using the images of Pokemon characters in their promotional programs and mini-games. Once activated, a timer that lasts 30 minutes begins counting down. When not playing or writing about Android games, he spends his time with is wife and son. However, once the XP goes up, “Pokemon GO” players will notice that the type of Pokemon they find mostly have higher CP.

The videogame traces the adventures of Ash Ketchum who dreams of becoming the best Pokemon trainer in the world by catching and collecting various virtual pocket pets that he trains to battle other Pokémon.


Since the release of Pokemon GO about a month ago, there’s been plenty of statistics floating around about the game itself, the franchise, Niantic, and pretty much everything associated with Pokemon GO.

The Ultimate Pokemon Go Infographic