
London City Flights Delayed After Runway Protest

Flights at London City Airport were disrupted this morning after a group of protesters occupied the runway.


Emergency services surround protestors from the movement Black Lives Matter after they locked themselves to a tripod on the runway at London City Airport in London on September 6, 2016.

The police also said that nine people had been arrested and taken into custody.

“We are preparing the airport to resume activities as soon as possible”, said an employee of the airport.

Activists from the worldwide group “Black Lives Matter UK” claimed responsibility for the disruption at the airport, Efe news reported.

BLMUK further said just a “small elite” is able to fly, while thousands of refugees die or go missing in the Mediterranean Sea.

The activists also plan to protest outside the Jamaican High commission this evening against the deportation of black people from the United Kingdom to the Jamaica due to their immigration status.

Speaking to BBC London, group member Joshua Virasami added: “The community where this airport is is a predominantly black community”.

The police are reportedly negotiating with them while they wait for “specialist resources” to arrive and unlock the group, according to the Guardian.

The airport said on Twitter: “We’re now experiencing disruption to all flights due to protesters at the airport”.

A spokeswoman said: “Today we are saying all black lives matter and that includes the lives of those who live close to airports, people who are going to grow up with asthma and skin conditions”. The vast majority of outgoing flights have been cancelled due to the fact that they have no runway from which to take-off.

Black Lives Matter was set up as an global movement following the murder in America four years ago of black teenager Trayvon Martin.


Cityjet said as a result of the incident it has had, along with other carriers at the airport, to suspend flights to and from London City Airport. Last month, the group blocked access to a road leading to Heathrow Airport.

Black Lives Matter protesters at London City Airport