
Lone witness responds to Corinth shooting

A manhunt is underway in Alcorn County for the man who shot a Corinth police officer with his own gun.


“I could tell there was a auto running and my dogs were going insane”, said Brenda Nanney, who called 911.

“All of us here are praying for him”, she said.

While the patrol vehicle does have an in-car camera, Dance said the incident happened so fast that the officer was unable to activate the camera in time. “He shot him twice – once in the chest, once in the shoulder”. Dance says the officer’s bulletproof vest stopped the shot to the chest. “With all the recent media attention, I’m sure that did factor into his mind”.

The officer was checking on a report of a prowler at a blind woman’s house when he spotted a man wearing dark clothes and carrying a backpack.

Dance said it is a prime example of just how quickly a situation can turn deadly. “He’s got feet and hands and he can attack you, then he can take your gun and shoot you”.

Despite being shot, Officer Parker did not let the man who shot him take his gun, which Dance suggested could help save someone else.

Nanney said she wonders if she should have made the call. “I’ve been sick at my stomach ever since”. He said his son always wanted to follow in his footsteps. “People want to make it out that we’re all bad guys and that we all want to shoot people, but I’ve been doing this job for 26 years, and I’ve never discharged my weapon”.


An early morning shooting rocked a small neighborhood in Corinth. They did not see anything, so they left. Though Parker had only worked for the police department for seven to eight months, Dance told reporters that he is “an outstanding officer”.

Kevin Parker Jr