
Long lines as supporters wait for Trump

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is hosting a rally in Everett, WA today.


Rattling off statistics about black people experiencing poverty, Trump promised to “rebuild our inner cities and provide safety and peace to all of our citizens”.

Those who research history archives regarding the first third of the 20 century discover that by 1901, both the Democrats and Republicans had sold out the African American and the African American future in the United States of America, a sell out that continues in the 21 century, regardless of who is president.

This pitch has been a recent addition at other Trump rallies across the country.

As the Washington Post’s report noted, Trump was reading from prepared remarks, which sometimes gives him trouble: his mention of “party of opposition”, for example, was supposed to be “part of oppression”.

Alma Tramill, 60, of Vaughn, was among those from the South Sound who trekked to see Trump speak.

She said she distrusts Hillary Clinton and that Trump isn’t corrupt. “He’s not bought off”.

Clinton, they say, has won.

“The Democrats have basically turned their back on them and said ‘well the status quo is OK'”.

The New York businessman is scheduled to hold a rally in Everett at Xfinity Arena at 7 p.m. Tuesday.

About 200 people protesting Trump’s visit gathered in Clark Park, a few blocks north of the arena, before the rally.

“On this day we will come together peacefully, and reject Trump’s hate, and violence”, the page read. “We are a community that is standing up against hate”.

Donald Trump spoke truth when he asked Blacks in Milwaukee, Friday, August 19, 2016, what has the Democratic Party done for Blacks, and then appealed to the Black vote by asking, “What the hell have you got to lose?” The real-estate tycoon has hired people of all races and religions, she said. “It’s stunning that Washington State Republican Party Chair Susan Hutchison and her party are still boasting about their support for Donald Trump”.

There has also been push back against Trump by his own party in Washington leading up to his Everett rally. GOP Senate candidate Chris Vance, gubernatorial candidate Bill Bryant and Rep. Dave Reichert, who represents the state’s 8th Congressional District, have all said they won’t vote for Trump because of his controversial statements. The state hasn’t supported a GOP nominee since Ronald Reagan’s victory in 1984, and a poll this month showed Clinton with a double-digit lead over Trump in Washington.

Clinton visited Seattle in late March including an open event at Rainier Beach High School. Doug Ericksen, the state campaign’s deputy director, Republican Sen. Don Benton, the state’s campaign director and state Sen.


Kelpsas went on to say that Clinton is taking Washington voters for granted. What Donald Trump said must not be dismissed.

Protests planned as Trump's visit to Everett remains on schedule