
Longtime Democrat, Ky. Clerk Kim Davis, Becomes Republican

Davis, who was jailed for a week after she refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, was speaking with host Megyn Kelly about her time inside the jail cell.


Rowan County Clerk of Courts Kim Davis speaks next to her attorney Mat Staver (R) and Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee (L) in front of the Carter County Detention Center on September 8, 2015 in Grayson, Kentucky. If that sounds like a tacit concession of the moral high ground, that’s because it is: Keep in mind, these are the same Republican apologists who defend the Confederate flag by pointing out that Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, so the train of thought is familiar – though no less irrelevant. Now that she’s a Republican, I’m sure it will stop mattering.

On Thursday, the Daily Beast spoke with one such acquaintance of Davis. “This is not the home we know”, Black told the media outlet.

“I haven’t always been a good person”, she acknowledged. Kim Davis has become the face of Morehead, and that’s not the face we want to portray. “We don’t feel safe now”. Davis was ordered by a federal judge to issue the licenses but refused, and spent five days in jail for continuing to defy the order, propelling her to folk hero status among some on the religious right. That’s when U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning threw her in jail, prompting a fierce debate in the public square about religious liberty versus the civil rights afforded to all USA citizens.

‘I don’t think there should be much of an issue and the judge didn’t have any problem accepting the licenses that were issued when I was incarcerated, which had been altered, so I don’t see that there should be an issue, ‘ she said. Partisan affiliations don’t affect her job as county clerk in the slightest, and her refusal to do her job wasn’t made any less bad because she was elected with a D next to her name.

Davis said: ‘If I resign I lose my voice.


‘I have love in my heart for everyone. If Davis interferes, the lawyers say Bunning should place her office in a receivership for the purposes of issuing marriage licenses.

Kim Davis switches to GOP