
Los Angeles County weighs $15 minimum wage for some workers

“Our action today is an attempt to do the right thing not just for minimum-wage workers today, but for the future of Kansas City”.


That would increased the minimum base pay for tipped workers to $6.35 per hour.

Each UC campus must follow federal, state and local minimum wage provisions, according to the policy.

The Portland City Council took the first step to change the minimum wage ordinance to exclude tipped workers Monday night.

Though she has declined to say what she thinks is the ideal national minimum wage, the Democratic presidential candidate has implied that it might differ from place to place-and thus she would not push for an increase if she were president.

The legislation would raise the minimum wage in increments until it reaches $15 an hour by 2020.

“There is a minority who can get by on a $12 an hour full-time job”.

During public comment, numerous same people who have been vocal during previous minimum wage talks spoke up.

Associated Students UCLA will increase its minimum wage in January to $10.25 an hour to accommodate the state minimum wage increase, but most jobs will start at $10.75 an hour by then, said ASUCLA Executive Director Bob Williams.

Seven California cities – Berkeley, Emeryville, Jackson Rancheria, Oakland, San Francisco, San Jose and Sunnyvale – now set hourly minimum wages at more than $10 an hour. They said they’re struggling with their current wage, even with tips, and deserve the same raise everyone else is getting.


Those on the other side of the argument said it could lead to businesses closing their doors or giving employees less hours. Unfortunately, if my sales are down and I have fewer customers, I can’t pay everyone a higher wage.

Hillary Clinton