
Louie Gohmert’s in Hot Water

Rep. Louie Gohmert, never known for holding his tongue, made clear Friday morning that his disdain for Hillary Clinton runs deep.


“I get the impression that in law school and along the way, she’s been very, very smart, but – I don’t know”.

Rep. Louie Gohmert called for prayers for Hillary Clinton on Friday – but they weren’t for her to win. “You don’t make fun of people who are impaired [or] have special needs…. whether you like her or not”.

Mrs. Clinton told the Federal Bureau of Investigation in interviews that she could not recall details related to the retention or handling of classified information.

The congressman also intimated that Clinton’s health is failing, which is an Internet conspiracy theory. There’s special needs, there’s mental impairment. The records included a detailed account of Clinton’s 2012 concussion. If it weren’t for her last name, this campaign would’ve been long over.

Nonetheless, despite attacks on Clinton’s health, both physical and neurological, having been repeatedly debunked, they keep cropping up - often, as Gohmert’s tirade was met with, to uproarious applause. The taunt came despite the fact that Gohmert came…

Allegations that Clinton is suffering from brain damage are a convenient way of undercutting the candidate’s legitimacy without actually confronting any of her policy proposals.

Gohmert even joked that revelations about Clinton aides smashing her Blackberry email devices with hammers might explain some of what she suggested to the Federal Bureau of Investigation were memory lapses related to a 2012 concussion. I think that’s the most – well maybe, who knows.


‘It was to the tune “Try to remember” – and it’s Hillary Clinton saying: “I don’t remember, my brain’s in a blender”,’ Gohmert recalled.

Gohmert Goes Full Health Truther In Riff About 'Mentally Impaired' Clinton (VIDEO)