
Louis County declares state of emergency for Ferguson

Stenger continued by saying, “the recent acts of violence will not be tolerated in a community that has worked so tirelessly over the last year to rebuild and become stronger”.


Reilly said Monday that he had not received a summons but expects to be charged, The Post reported.

St Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said he was angry that a shooting had marred the weekend’s events in Ferguson, which have so far gone off without major incidents or arrests.

The shooting of a suspect by plainclothes officers in Ferguson is drawing criticism from protest leaders.

Gaskin also credited St. Louis County’s police chief, Jon Belmar, with distinguishing between activists who marched respectfully to commemorate Brown’s death and those who went “off track” and turned violent Sunday night.

When officers first saw him, he was running away after allegedly exchanging gunfire with an unknown person. He faces multiple counts of weapons and assault on an officer charges.

“They were criminals. They weren’t protesters”, he said. This photo details some of the damage from those gunshots. Belmar believes the shots came from about six different shooters. The bullets hit the vehicle’s hood and windshield several times, Belmar said.

Sunday night’s shooting took place at about 11:15pm – the height of what was already a rowdy protest in which rocks and bottles were thrown at officers and some stores looted.

The anniversary observations of Brown’s shooting death by a white Ferguson police officer started off peacefully Sunday. Harris said shortly after 3 a.m. that his son had just gotten out of surgery. All 10 charges are felonies. All four officers returned fire.

“He unleashed a remarkable amount of gunfire”, Chief Belmar said. Though some groups are pledging civil disobedience in the St. Louis region, Brown urged everyone to mark his son’s death in peace.

Tyrone Harris Sr. said his son and namesake attended the same high school as Brown, whom the younger Harris considered a good friend. “It’s all a bunch of lies…” “And the police department really needs to look at what they did last year and today”. The suspect has been identified 18-year-old Tyrone Harris. A court hearing in that case is scheduled for August. 31.

Belmar said early Monday that police estimated more than 40 rounds had been fired.

Some protest groups were critical of police. They were not wearing body cameras, Belmar said. “They weren’t protesters”.

His death at the hands of Darren Wilson sparked outrage and protests nationwide tensions grew over what demonstrators said was racial bias by the police.

Belmar said it is common to use plainclothes officers. Several other unarmed black men have since died in cities including New York, Cincinnati, Baltimore, and Arlington, Texas.

“It changes the equation”, said Rebecca Ragland, an Episcopal priest who was part of a group that marched to the federal courthouse in St. Louis. African Americans are also more than 3 times as likely to be killed by police than white people, according to the stats. “It legitimizes a response from the police that’s a lot more aggressive”.


“I thought if I’m out here… eventually my city has to listen”, says the 38-year-old mother of three. “That’s not in my vocabulary. We’re ready for war”, some in the crowd chanted.

Gina Gowey of Ferguson protests on the Missouri town's West Florissant Ave yesterday