
Loved ones gather for 9/11 anniversary ceremony

“In the face of terrorism, how we respond matters”, Obama said in his weekly address.


During the first moment of silence at 8:46 am, the time when American Airlines Flight 11 hit the north tower, houses of worship in NY tolled their bells.

The reading of the names of the almost 3,000 victims started a minute later.

Clinton’s campaign says the Democratic presidential nominee left the ceremony in NY early after feeling “overheated”.

The United States on Sunday (Sept 11) commemorated the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks with a moment of silence observed in somber remembrance at Ground Zero in NY, where almost 3,000 people were killed.

At the Pentagon, the 184 people who died on September 11, 2001 are honored with 184 benches over pools of water. “We stay true to the spirit of this day by defending not only our country, but also our ideals”, he said.

The plane crashed in a field in Shanksville, killing everyone aboard.

“This idea of physical transformation is so real here”, September 11 memorial President Joe Daniels said. Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you.

Among the tributes planned is the 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb in Austin, Texas, where firefighters, in full gear, climb up and down the Pleasant Valley Drill Tower enough times to roughly equal the height of the original World Trade Center towers.

Obama praised the country’s diversity during his remarks, calling it a strength and not a weakness.

The United Airlines flight was heading from Newark, New Jersey to San Francisco when it crashed after passengers and crew members fought the terrorists for control of the plane.

But despite a tradition of putting aside partisan politics for the day, the observance became part of the news of a combustible presidential campaign, when Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton left about 90 minutes into the ground zero ceremony after feeling “overheated”, her campaign said.

The commemoration of the 15th anniversary of 9/11 has begun at ground zero.

The Al-Qaeda attacks killed 2,753 people in NY, 184 at the Pentagon in Washington D.C and 40 on Flight 93 – which had also been headed toward the USA capital until passengers and crew staged a rebellion and the hijackers crashed it into a field in Pennsylvania. US President Barack Obama attends a ceremony commemorating the September 11, 2001, attacks at the Pentagon in Washington, DC, on September 11, 2016.

Victims killed in the attack on the World Trade Center will be remembered in NY, where the country’s leading 2016 presidential candidates, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump, are paying their respects at Ground Zero but halting their political campaigns for the day.

The recitations of the almost 3,000 names of the dead rose toward a cloudy sky over lower Manhattan Sunday morning like an epic poem chronicling one of America’s saddest moments. Chicago also remembered the 9-11 attacks.

Some are going into National September 11 Museum, which is open only to victims’ families until Sunday afternoon, when the public will be allowed to enter.

As it has every year, the remembrance will mainly focus on the reading of the names of those killed in the attacks.

At the same time, a moment of silence will be observed at the White House. Not long after that, United Flight 93 crashed near Shanksville.

The U.S. marked the 15th anniversary of 9/11 on Sunday, with victims’ relatives reading their names and reflecting on a loss that still felt as immediate to them as it was indelible for the nation.

The customs include moments of silence and tolling bells, an apolitical atmosphere and the reading of the almost 3,000 names of those killed in NY, at the Pentagon and near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.


The names of the 2,983 victims will be read slowly by relatives as music plays during a ceremony at the 9/11 Memorial plaza in Lower Manhattan that will pause for six moments of silence.

Ladder 3 9/11 Memorial