
LSU Health hosts SAVE Program for Sexual Assault Awareness month

The “It’s On Us” campaign, launched by Vice President Joe Biden, focuses on providing the public with the information and resources needed to create a safer environment.


He says 8,500 young women in his 14 county district will experience sexual assault at one of their campuses. “That statistic hit home for me, as a dad, and I want to do everything I can to make sure that we educate our students on what a sexual assault is and how to make sure they avoid that situation”. “We can set them up with our sexual assault counselor for her services, we can help them with resources, all different kinds of resources in the community so they don’t have to go through this alone”.

U of T began a process to change the way the school handles sexual violence in November 2014, following an outcry from students who called on the school to implement a standalone policy on sexual violence and an investigation into campus sexual assaults by the Toronto Star. Learn more about this year’s Take Back the Night march.

On Tuesday, April 5, Jennifer Cassetta, a self defense fitness expert, as seen on E!, “The Today Show” and “My Diet is Better than Yours”, was at the Living Room from 7:30-9 p.m. She conducted a lively and interactive empowerment and self-defense workshop, promoting self-confidence and self-defense.

Interactive outreach activities for students to understand that preventing acts of sexual violence is possible.

She added that many people don’t realize that around 85 percent of sexual assault cases are commited by people who already know the victim. You can also visit RESPECT provides interactive and educational programs by college students for college students.

The Rutland County Womens Network and Shelter supports victims of sexual assault all throughout the year.


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Mark Rubin