
Lt. Gen. Flynn, possible Trump VP, is a Democrat

Trump told the Post in an interview that he had five people under consideration, including retired Lt. General Michael Flynn.


Flynn said Sunday that it was up to women “to make the decision” about whether to end a pregnancy, a position squarely contradicting the Republican Party’s long-held opposition to abortion rights. “I believe right now we have a law“. In a recent piece in the New York Post, Flynn said that when James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, told him he was sacked, “I knew then it had more to do with the stand I took on radical Islamism and the expansion of al Qaeda and its associated movements”. “If people want to change the law, vote'”. Described in a 1982 Christian Science Monitor report as an “antiabortionist mother of nine”, Helen Flynn instilled in her son an interest in civic duty but also, a more conservative brand of Democratic politics that the now-retired three-star general says no longer exists. He added that the issue of abortion should be decided in the courts.

The Trump campaign is seriously considering Flynn for the number two spot on the ticket.

Trump is reportedly vetting Flynn as well as Indiana Gov. Mike Pence and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie as vice presidential candidates. One prominent social group conservative, Susan B. Anthony List, said Sunday afternoon that Flynn had “disqualified himself” just with that comment.

Pro-life writer Christine Rousselle says Flynn’s pro-abortion views make him a non-starter.

In the 2016 election, Flynn became an early and vocal supporter of Trump’s bid for the White House, endorsing the real estate mogul in February 2016, and became an advisor on military and national security affairs.

“History has said nobody ever helps”, Trump said.

Last week, Trump condemned the Supreme Court’s pro-abortion decision striking down part of a Texas law that has saved thousands of babies from abortions.

He faced a swift backlash from pro-life groups.

Independents are more willing to select former military leaders to stress their outsider, nonpartisan status, Kohn told the Post.

“What people do in their private lives, these are not big issues that our country’s dealing with”, said Flynn. These will be justices of great intellect…

The Rhode Island native proposed sweeping changes to DIA and, when asked how he would deal with employees who disagreed with his vision, said he would “move them or fire them”.

Trump has specifically promised he would sign a bill as president to de-fund Planned Parenthood.

What many won’t like, however, are his views on abortion.


A spokesman for Democrat Hillary Clinton’s campaign said Trump’s plan would “irreversibly” lead to privatization of the VA.

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump gestures during a speech in Virginia Beach Va. Monday