
Lt. Governor Patrick commends the passage of Senate Bill 6

If a child transferred to a charter school, that student’s state funding would go with him or her, except for transportation funding, which would stay in the public school district. Proponents of the bill say it is about privacy, but opponents say the bill is discriminatory.


Terri Cole of the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce said she and other business leaders have served on tax reform panels nearly every year for a decade.

“I’m anxious it could make it worse in some ways, that insurance rates could go up and Americans could have even less control over their health care systems”, Cotton told ABC’s chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl Thursday.

The bill threatens schools with hefty fines if they permit transgender children to use the bathroom of their preferred gender – up to $10,500 for “multiple violations”.

Senators adopted three out of 22 proposed amendments. Sen.

“I would like to ask you today, to testify against SB4 in hopes that you will understand that will break apart families”, El Pasoan Nelly Miranda said. A birth certificate change requires the approval of a judge, but many judges in the state refuse to even hear the cases.

It would also bypass any local legislation passed with the intent to allow trans people to use the bathroom in accordance with their gender identity.

Both and Kentucky House and Senate passed a bill allowing for the creation of publicly funded, privately managed, charter schools.

Mayor Dan Pope also said the city isn’t weighing in.

“I do think there are things we can do to tailor the tax credit in a way that it makes more attractive to people and more helpful to people on the lower end, and with a phaseout that is a little less steep than what the House has”, Thune told reporters Tuesday.

“The governor supports raising the minimum wage so long that it’s in line with neighboring states and doesn’t hurt small businesses”, Martinez spokesman Michael Lonergan said earlier this month. The National Football League said should SB6 pass, they would have to reconsider whether they could bring the Super Bowl back to Texas. Senate Bill 6 is simply not worth the risk, and it will do nothing to improve personal safety.

Jonathan Saenz, President of Texas Values has a different take on the bill. Jose Rodriguez, a Democrat, called the legislation a result of “lack of understanding” and fear of transgender people.

The schools would be funded in the same manner as public schools with some exceptions. Charles Perry, R-Lubbock, will likely be revised several more times before it’s presented to the full House for a vote.

The Texas House State Affairs Committee debated a bill well into Thursday morning that would gut funding from local and state entities that don’t enforce immigration laws.


Supporters say the bill would stop sexual predators from committing crimes in bathrooms; critics argue there’s no evidence a problem actually exists.

House State Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Byron Cook R-Corsicana center leads a hearing on the bill to ban sanctuary cities