
Luke Skywalker’s ‘Star Wars’ absence ‘no accident’

At one point in the trailer we see Boba Fett, the bounty hunter who has been a fan favourite for decades, despite his limited role in the movies.


The trailer, compared to the previous two, does a better job at introducing the characters. Apart from what the new characters look like on the battlefield, we still don’t know much more about their abilities save for what was revealed last week. Soldiers and Storm Troopers battle it out for control and victory. “But I can’t wait for you to find out the answer”. “It depends if I’m playing the part of Darth Vader in it …”

If you think that’s it – there’s more on the way, as promised by Sphero above, with another exclusive movie hologram content release in November. Its an interesting idea to say the least, and if the current theory that Luke has been moving toward the dark side turns out to be true there could be a few validity to the whole thing.

Probably the most resounding query among these is this: “Where is Luke Skywalker?“. And he is not on the official poster, either. In previous movies, Vader was monitoring the construction of Death Stars. After watching the trailer, it’s easy to see why Star Wars Battlefront, which launches in just under a month, is shaping up to be one of the biggest games of the year. Could that be what Ren is working on? The host of “The Late Show” told his audience Wednesday night that he was pretty sure he already knew what was going to happen in the new J.J. Abrams directed film. While they were effective reveals, it did raise at least one question. There’s also just plain old common sense, as Disney has everything to gain and nothing to lose by waiting and attaching the trailer to The Force Awakens, a movie that is threatening to break almost every box office record known to man.


While Abrams works, we wait.

Star Wars The Force Awakens’ Trailer Keeps Fans Guessing
Posted by Wenhao