
LyricFind Partners With Google To Deliver More Lyrics, Administer Rights

Users will no longer have to visit a third-party website to get their lyrics, and that will let them save a little time and, on mobile connections, some data.


According to LyricFind’s CEO and co-founder Darryl Ballantyne, “It should be a significant revenue stream”. Today, the company manages the rights to lyrics from more than 4,000 publishers, licensing to online services and sites across 100 countries.

“It’s all based on usage”, Ballantyne said while speaking with Billboard.

So if you wanted to search for the Rickroll song fro Rick Astley, you type in Never Gonna Give You Up Lyrics, as we did above and Google will show you the full lyrics for the track.

The new feature now works only in the US but Bloomberg notes that LyricFind has licenses to display the lyrics globally as well.

For Google, the arrangement is created to capture the significant amount of traffic around lyrics – and subsequently funnel them towards its Google Play Music services. As well as making things easier for searchers, the deal means that artists get paid royalties as their lyrics are viewed.


No more jumping from site to site. “We’re working together to make lyrics available to a larger audience in a faster and more efficient way”.
