
Madonna praises “open-minded” new Pope at Philadelphia show

He seems very open-minded.”.


Following her gig Thursday, however, the “Like A Virgin” soloist carried to effectively Facebook to communicate her confirmation of Pope Francis, who might be noted for his rather major beliefs on essential things like including, start the proceedings and homosexuality, in comparison to past directors of this very Catholic Church.

Prior to that, Madonna joked that Pope Francis was “stalking” her because they were both in New York at the same time recently. “I did invite him, you know”, she said. “Honestly, I don’t think there’s that much difference between me and the Pope”. “It shows the Vatican truly cares”, she joked.

Soon after climbing up on a table in a clingy, shimmering dress, the 57-year-old provocateur stated: “I created it. Can the pope do that?”

“And since the Pope – Popey Wopie – is on his way here, I wanna dedicate this song to him”, Madonna said, while the crowd cheered.

The Rebel Heart tour, like many of her concerts through the years, features a host of religious imagery, including female performers wearing skimpy nuns’ habits and pole dancing on crosses. However, she made sure to remind her fans about her tumultuous relationship with the Catholic church before calling the Pope a slightly inappropriate pet name.

Madonna, raised Roman Catholic in Michigan, has a long history of operating afoul of the Vatican.

Madonna previously caused controversy with her 1989 video for Like A Prayer, which featured images of burning crosses and stigmata.


She was condemned for her 1990 Blond Ambition tour which included simulated masturbation and was criticised for her 2006 Confessions tour after she staged a mock crucifixion only a few miles from the Vatican City. The Italian Bishops Conference criticized the songs appearance on the CD, saying it was a commercial ploy.

Madonna dedicates song to 'Popey-wopey' during Philly concert