
Main Carbon Dioxide Emitters United States, China Least Concerned About Climate Change

“Greenland Is Melting Away”: a video and essay of scientists’ studying the Greenland ice sheet, from the New York Times this week.


“CO2 Levels for February [2015] Eclipsed Prehistoric Highs”: a recent report in Scientific American. Mike Lee (R-UT) called on Congress to assert its constitutional powers ahead of the upcoming United Nations climate-change negotiations in Paris.

However, the study says severe wildfires in California are becoming more likely because of global warming.

Despite knowing about climate is changing, Americans are not much concerned about it. The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research carried out a survey in which it has been unveiled that Americans are least bothered by global warming.

Less than half of those polled in the Asia Pacific region (45 percent) and Middle East (38 percent) viewed climate change as a very serious problem.

This is because developing countries may not have the economic, institutional or technical capacity to respond to the threats of climate change.

However, an analysis of the pledges made by more than 150 countries, including China and the European Union members, over the past year has revealed that annual emissions of greenhouse gases in 2030 are likely to be about 55 billion tonnes or more of carbon-dioxide-equivalent.

Delman presented risk-vulnerability models that map out the vulnerability levels of each country in respect to climate change to illustrate her point.

However, less than a third of students (28%) questioned say they have received education, or training on climate change and the low carbon economy whilst at university. But Democrats (68%) are much more concerned than Republicans (20%) about climate change, a 48-percentage-point differential.

For one thing, the focus on building a global deal by melding together the plans most countries have developed to deal with climate change – including all the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases – means the dwindling few countries that still balk at acting on climate change are in an ever-more isolated position.

Extreme weather and natural disasters brought about by climate change will significantly affect people’s “right to food”, a United Nations human rights expert said.

For her part, Christiana Figueres, the executive secretary of the UNFCC, told the meeting also by video link that the report’s findings indicate that the foundations are in place for a strong agreement in Paris; a substantial slowdown in emissions growth and a foundation to realize the internationally agreed upper limit of two degrees warming.


Armenia has signed the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992 and ratified it in 1993. There, they will be under pressure to come up with a binding set of credible commitments to slow the pace of global climate change.

Maximum temperature anomalies for Australia's May 2014 heat wave.
Credit Australia Bureau of Meteorology