
Main Street protest supports Black Lives Matter movement

Regardless of anyone’s allegiance to the Black Lives Matter protests or police officers, Dr. Williams shared a sentiment most people can agree with: violence is never the answer.


We therefore stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement in the USA and their struggle against deeply ingrained institutional racial prejudice, but also against this global system of white supremacy.

After five Dallas police officers were fatally shot at a Black Lives Matter protest in response to the officer-related deaths of two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota, Americans were left wondering how divided their nation is.

There’s a clear message that the American people are trying to get through. “That’s the way they’re going to die”, he claimed in the interview.

“I’m left here to pick up the pieces”, Clemmons said. “They want a more safe, more equal society”.

The Dallas shooter and others who fired at police in retaliation for the deaths of the black men are not “reflective of the vast majority of citizens who are engaged with and supportive of the law enforcement community”, Thomas said.

As Breitbart News noted earlier this week, protesters had marched from a local meeting to the 405 and snarled traffic in both directions.

Whether it’s a mass shooting or a shooting by police, politicians sure know how to make things worse.

There, they took turns using a megaphone to voice their concerns about racism and use of police force. We’ve seen the protests around the country. Two suspects were taken into custody and a third was killed by police.

If valid, Stalien would not be the only police officer to be openly critical of the movement. They later stood up, linked arms and formed a massive circle. But Dr. Williams treated numerous police officers that night, possibly saving their lives, and he admitted that being a black male made things “much more complicated” for him.

“It tries to marginalize Black Lives Matter”, Washington said.

“When police commit a crime under oath, they’re sent on leave with pay. Right now, proportionately, the injustice is to the minorities, specifically the black communities”, said Glen Eich.

The Black Lives Matter demonstrations did not halt after the Dallas shootings.

That petition, which garnered about 1,200 signatures by Tuesday, states, “A petition to recognize the black lives matter movement was started and that’s not what the movement is about”. Black lives matter”, “Hands up, don’t shoot” and “No justice!

The crowd sang Kendrick Lamar’s anthem “Alright” as the night of marching and demonstrating came to an end.

“This is really lovely to see all my brothers and sisters out here”, said Full Sail University student Kiata Green.


“Look, we can dissent without demonizing and I think we’ve demonized our police for too long and we have to stop that”. “I had no doubt that the community of Orlando would have a peaceful protest and I’m glad to see that they got this many people to come out”.
