
Major GOP Donor Will Back Clinton Over Trump

Hewlett Packard executive Meg Whitman is the latest business leader to lay into Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, referring to the NY tycoon as a “dishonest demagogue” and pledging support and funding for Democratic rival Hillary Clinton’s campaign.


Whitman called Republican nominee Donald Trump “a dishonest demagogue”, and, for a CEO who doesn’t often engage in hyperbole, literally warned the existence of the nation is at risk. The unsuccessful Republican candidate for governor of California in 2010 compared him to Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini at a June meeting in Utah of Republican donors and executives and helped bankroll an anti-Trump super-Pac this Spring.

“Leadership is creating consensus in our incredible country and letting everybody know that American exceptionalism and the American dream are alive and well, that’s what leadership is, that’s what Hillary Clinton is”, said Cuban.

Whitman argued that Clinton’s temperament, global experience and commitment to America’s bedrock national values make her the far better choice for president in 2016.

On Monday, Sally Bradshaw, a top adviser to Jeb Bush, said that Mr Trump’s candidacy had convinced her to leave the Republican Party.

The Hewlett-Packard executive said in a statement Tuesday that Republican nominee Donald Trump’s “demagoguery has undermined the fabric of our national character”. When Republican friends of hers asked Whitman if she was serious about her stance against Trump, she reportedly replied to them that she considered Trump to be “a threat to American democracy”.

Senior party activist Jan Halper-Hayes told the BBC she thought Trump was “psychologically unbalanced”. Trump’s unsteady hand would endanger our prosperity and national security.

At the end of her statement Whitman said other Republicans ought to do the same: “I urge all Republicans to reject Donald Trump this November”.


Whitman is the latest in a string of Silicon Valley bosses to speak out against Trump after over 100 industry leaders pledged support to Clinton in an open letter last month. One of her aides said she will donate an amount in the “mid-six figures”, according to the New York Times.

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