
Majority of U.S. young adults reject Trump

“The gun was pointed at his [a police officer’s] head supposedly ready to be fired”, said Trump.


Hillary Clinton says that if elected, she plans to ask Joe Biden to continue his effort to end cancer by improving research and treatment of the disease.

Johnson is backed by 11% and Stein by 4% in the poll when their names are included, narrowing Clinton’s enormous edge over Trump by a bit.

Trump, who is lagging behind in the polls, accused Clinton of being on the side of the rioters – and argued that Democratic policies have made life for African-Americans and in inner cities worse.

The survey encourages supporters to donate to the campaign.

That proposal raised numerous questions that the campaign never clarified, including whether it would apply to citizens of countries like France, Israel, or Ireland, which have suffered recent and past attacks.

Siena’s Greenberg said even with the vast lead of Clinton in the presidential race, voters in NY have a long tradition of splitting the ticket when it comes to their local lawmakers.

“If there’s completely biased, ridiculous reporting that’s going on, then, look, we have to stand up and defend ourselves”, he said on “Reliable Sources”.

Here’s how you can find out: if you have a question about the USA election for our worldwide readers, please submit it in the form below. His crowds at rallies regularly boo and jeer the journalists who cover the events. “Well, Friend, with your help today, the next time I’m being interviewed, I will have my own poll that shows that the American people disagree with the dishonest media!”

Trump has long argued that the US should no longer be the “policeman of the world”, claiming it makes no sense for the pay to defend such wealthy allies as Japan, South Korea and Saudi Arabia in exchange for little. It’s really trying to get these people who are showing up who are passionate about Donald Trump and getting them to make phone calls at home, getting them out there to our offices.

The conservative Wall Street Journal editorial board also chastised Trump, suggesting his focus on the media is misplaced.

Under Trump’s plan, immigrants would also be subjected to tests to show a commitment to US values, including religious freedom and tolerance. It’s true of every Republican presidential nominee.

In a move that has troubled many press freedom advocates, the Trump campaign has denied press credentials to several prominent news outlets, including The Washington Post, Politico, and The Daily Beast. Of the quarter of Millennials who say they would not vote or do not know who they would vote for, nearly two-thirds (62%) say it is because they do not like any of the candidates. “This coming Monday, you’re going to see a vision for confronting radical Islamic terrorism”, Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence, said on “Fox News Sunday”.

Although Trump started last week with an apparent attempt to restyle his campaign, offering a rather moderate speech on the economy, as the week wore on he returned to making controversial statements that alienated many around the country.


Trump’s speech, which was billed as a major policy address that would touch on his strategy for defeating terrorism, comes as he dives in the polls and faces criticism from Republicans within the foreign policy establishment.

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