
‘Making a Murderer’: Directors Say They Don’t Believe Steven Avery Is Guilty

It may be years until the families, and those who’ve seen “Making a Murderer” on Netflix, have closure in the case, and that’s only if the courts decide to take on Avery and Dassey’s appeals.


Mahler made comments saying there were people who were more timid or passive who were being dominated in the jury room.

If that wasn’t clear enough, over the weekend, Walker appeared on the Green Bay news program Newsmaker Sunday, (via Raw Story) to say explicitly that Avery would remain in prison as long as he was governor.

In his appeal motion, Avery also claimed that the investigating sheriff’s department mishandled both the evidence and the warrants.

Steven Avery is determined to prove his innocence.

In the time since Making a Murderer aired Avery’s own theory about who committed the murders has been revealed to the public, but his attorneys will likely choose not to make any allegations in the courtroom.

Finally, Avery claims one juror in his trial had already decided Avery’s guilt and repeatedly told other jurors “He is (profanity) guilty”. Dassey was convicted in 2007 in the case of Teresa Halbach’s murder and charged with homicide, and sexual assault in the second degree, according to the Associated Press. He adds that the search that found blood and the key to Halbach’s vehicle on his premises were illegal and exceeded the limits set by the warrant itself. The appeal also argues that Avery was the victim of a series of improper jury procedures.

The filing can be read at the Wisconsin Court of Appeals site. Sellen said that pursuant to Wis. Supreme Court Rule 22.40, he could not confirm, nor deny whether or not Aquino was under investigation.


The 10-part documentary series, filmed over many years, heavily scrutinises the course of Avery’s arrest, trial and conviction for murder, and has inspired an impassioned call for his pardon and release. He was preparing to file a $36 million lawsuit against Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, when Teresa Halbach’s murder sparked accusations that ended in his conviction.

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