
Making GOP history, Trump vows to protect LGBTQ community

“Of all my travels in this country, nothing has affected me more deeply than the time I have spent with the mothers and fathers who have lost their children to violence spilling across our border”, Trump said. There will always be some version of the right in American politics, so even liberals have a stake in the right’s positive evolution.


The Republican National Convention approved a strongly conservative platform – including what was described as its most pro-life stance ever – on an opening day marked by charges of plagiarism and a failed effort by delegates opposed to Donald Trump.

Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence exemplified the omission of a history of anti-LGBT action during his speech accepting the No. 2 position on his party’s presidential ticket.

The new language on same-sex marriage, which the Supreme Court made legal nationwide in 2015, drew passionate opposition from younger Republicans and moderate-leaning party leaders across the Northeast in the days leading up to Monday’s formal vote.

But Trump’s pledge to protect LGBT people against terrorism stands in contrast to positions on LGBT rights he has staked out on the campaign trail. Both appealed to blue-collar workers, with FDR bringing the working families of European immigrants into the Democratic Party and Mr. Reagan attracting numerous older brothers and sisters of the Trump coalition. The difference in 2016 is that these new Republicans possess anger and alienation of a sharply different character than the rump of the party they are joining. The transgender activist and Olympic gold medalist is speaking at a breakfast at the Republican National Convention to promote LGBT inclusion in the GOP.

Trump put the country’s “death, destruction, terrorism and weakness” down to Hillary Clinton’s position in government by claiming that “Isis was not even on the map” before she became Secretary of State.

“Donald Trump is a narcissistic, self-centered, unprincipled, miserable example of a human being”, Camp said in a prepared statement.

“What I think has resonated is identifying and listening to what the American people have expressed as concerns, and that is national security”, said Griffo. “I really don’t see it that way. I would hope other fellow members would want to have a party of addition and not subtraction”.

“It’s the year 2016, and I think everybody expected that the platform could at least move forward with the times”.

Ashley had been feeling optimistic until Trump named Pence as his running mate. Trump partisans like him because their candidate covered him with stardust, the regulars because he has conventional experience in the House and as a governor, and the conservatives because he is one of them.

Marry Fallin (R), co-chair of the Republican platform committee. The conservatives liked the first two words, the regulars the last two. By advancing solutions to these issues that are primarily market-based, and thus more acceptable to conservative and libertarian sensibilities, this center-right political alliance could make progress in areas that are now stymied by hyper-partisan polarization. Only one vice-presidential selection since 1988, Sen. “But most of all, I am proud to be an American”. “I call them Scully and Mulder”, characters who played Federal Bureau of Investigation agents in a long-running science fiction television series. (2008) or Richard Cheney (2000).

Mr. Trump carried 36 states and won 13.4 million votes on his way to the GOP nomination, but he took a smaller percentage of primary and caucus votes than Mr. Romney in 2012 or Sen.

Trump also singled out evangelical Christians – a group that has historically opposed the LGBT community – to thank them for helping him win the Republican presidential nomination, saying, “the support they’ve given me, and I’m not sure I totally deserve it, has been so fantastic, and has been such a big reason why I’m here tonight”.


While any political platform lacks the power to bind a nominee to every plank, it symbolizes a party’s principles and ambitions; and this Republican platform clearly wants LGBT people to return to the closet and stay as far away from the mainstream as possible, because in their minds that’s what it takes to make America great again. Donald Trump will officially be the GOP presidential candidate on the ballot this November.

'That's What The Republican Party Ought to Do': Montel Williams Tackles LGBT Issues at Convention