
Malloy Confirms Face-To-Face Talks With GE About Moving headquarters

It comes after the General Assembly approved a two-year budget with tax increases for large multi-national corporations like GE that will take effect in 2017.


“I have had some discussions with GE”. He added, “I stand ready to work with them on issues of concerns and remain competitive with other states”.

GE, which builds products from jet engines to home appliances and health-care equipment, has been housed in the scenic hamlet of Fairfield since the 1970s, when it was lured from its longtime headquarters in midtown Manhattan.

The fact that Malloy has reached out directly to GE has placated the state’s leading business group, the Connecticut Business and Industry Association. “They have been approached by other states over the years – states that they have larger employee numbers in”. “If it leads to any transactions, you will get the details”, he said. “We don’t have the opportunity to make it for them”.

He said Connecticut has grown more than 80,000 private sector jobs, crime has also dropped to historic lows, and the number of uninsured in the state has “been cut in half”. Tomorrow it’s UTC. Then after that it’s Electric Boat, and it goes on and on.


Malloy said his administration would like GE to keep its headquarters in Connecticut, but hinted Monday that it could be a challenge. “The team is now engaged in the process and is taking many factors into consideration”, the company said in an e-mailed statement.

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