
Man Arrested After Jumping White House Fence

The male jumper was wearing a blue shirt, white trousers, and wrapped with an American flag.


The White House was briefly on lockdown while the grounds were searched.

President Obama and the First Family were home at the time of the incident, which is now considered to be under control.

A man has been arrested after jumping the fence at the White House and running onto the North Lawn while the First Family was inside celebrating Thanksgiving, according to reports.

The suspect was carrying an envelope.

August 2014: The White House went on lockdown after a toddler somehow managed to squeeze through the gates.

On March 1, Curtis Smith scaled a stone wall on the southeast corner of the White House.

The man cleared the fence near the briefing room and West Wing areas of the presidential mansion on Thursday afternoon, United States media report.


Smith was killed at a Pennsylvania courthouse in August by a sheriff’s deputy.

Secret Service Apprehends Man Who Jumped White House Fence story image